Sport Programs » Physical Clearance and Forms

Physical Clearance and Forms



(No paper forms will be accepted.)


Online Athletic Clearance Directions:

  1. Visit and choose 'California.'
  2. If you are creating an account for the first time, PARENTS will register with a valid email, username, and password by clicking on the 'Register' button at the bottom of the page. Go through the verification process to verify that you are not a robot.  If this step is skipped, your account will not activate.  
  3. Log in using the email address with the email you registered.
  4. Select the 'New Clearance' button (at the top left hand of the page).
  5. Choose the 'School Year' in which the student plans to participate.
  6. Choose the 'School' at which the student attends.
  7. Choose 'Sport' which your student participates.
  8. Complete all required fields for Student Information, Educational History, Medical History, and Signature Forms. (Note: If you have gone through the process previously, you will select the Student and Parent/Guardian from the drop-down menu.)
  9. Then you will see an optional 'Donation' to your school's athletic program.
  10. All of this data will be electronically filed with your school's athletic department for review. 
  11. Once an account has been created and is in 'Pending' status, please contact the school nurse at [email protected] or [email protected] for clearance review. Accounts in 'In Progress' status will not be reviewed.
  12. The school nurse will review the information you have submitted, and clear or deny your 
    student for participation.
  13. A system-generated email notification will be sent when the student account status has changed.               
Make sure only an M.D., D.O., or P.N.P. has completed the Physical Form. NO chiropractors (D.C.) are accepted.   
    1. Be sure the doctor marks the clearance box.
    2. Be sure the doctor writes the exam date. The exam date needs to be within a year.
    3. Be sure the Physical Form has a doctor's office stamp.                                 

*Having medical insurance is mandatory to participate in Athletics at Alhambra HS. If you do not have your own insurance you can purchase a policy for the school year from Myers-Stevens. Here is the link:

(The zip code you will use is the district zip code of 91801 and then you would select Alhambra High School.  The insurance plan you would select is the School Time Accident Plan. If you are playing football, however, you would need to purchase the Tackle Football plan. This option is only if you do not have your own medical insurance policy.)