SARC-School Accountability Report Card
SPSA-School Plan for Student Achievement
Click here to see the School Accountability Report.
School Plan for Student Achievement 2019-2020
AHS SPSA GOALS 2019-2020
English Language Arts and Math:
English Language Arts (ELA) and Math improvement through academic achievement as evidenced by California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) scores, grades, and an increase in a-g eligibility and a decrease in D/F rate.
- Improve overall AHS and Hispanic/Latino student academic performance by increasing a-g (CSU/UC) eligibility by 2% and decreasing D/F rates by 2%. This goal will be met by focusing on equitable and research-based practices as evidenced by student grades.
- Improve overall Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) scores (met/exceeded) by 2% and establish California Science Test (CAST) score baseline with an emphasis on increasing rates for targeted subgroups. Specifically, a 2% increase among students identified as Socio-Economic Disadvantaged, 2% increase among English Learners and 2% increase among Hispanic/Latino students.
AHS will engage families and communities as partners to promote student success (a-g, SBAC and CAST scores) by offering 2-3 opportunities for involvement during the school year, designed to build capacity of parents/community to support their child’s learning, particularly among students receiving D/F grades. Attendance/participation will increase by 2% as evidenced by sign-in sheets or contact sheets.