Health Office » Nurse




Hours of Operation:
7:15 am - 3:15 pm
Monday thru Friday, except Holidays
Ms. Caroline Botros, Assistant Principal
Ms. Sandra Portillo, Nurse ([email protected])
Ms. Amber Molina, Health Assistant 


The Nurse in the Health Office of Alhambra High School services all students and staff. Students can come to the Health Office to rest for minor illnesses, to be treated for injuries, and to receive advice as needed. Health concerns that are dealt with can be any general illnesses, asthma, diabetes, seizures, injuries from fights or accidents, pregnancy or illegal drug use. Students are sent home to see doctors if needed. Nurse will follow up all special conditions like infectious diseases, fractures, and medication for treatment as warranted. The Nurse also goes out for all emergencies on campus and determines the necessity of 911 calls. She is a member of the Special Education team. She assesses special education students every three years on their vision and hearing status as well as assessing for any health related medical concern or medication consumption that might interfere academic performance of students in school.


The Nurse is also responsible for the following functions:

1. Annual screening of the hearing function of all 10th grade students per California State mandate.

2. Checking all incoming students immunization record to make sure that they fulfill the California State immunization requirement before enrollment in school.

3. Screens all student’s record and emergency cards for any significant health concerns and composes a health problem code list for teacher’s reference.

4. Screens and register all sports physical doctor’s notes of students to ensure these students are approved for sports by their doctors before they enroll for sports.

5. Assessing students who have mobility problems and issue PE excuses slips and elevator keys accordingly.

6. Assessing students for the need of lockers due to medical reasons.