Requesting Letter(s) of Recommendation


Letters of Recommendation for Colleges

Only private schools require letters of recommendation or information from your counselor. You do NOT need them for UC/CSU


Letters of Recommendation for Scholarships

Many scholarships require a letter of recommendation. Be prepared to request your letters early. You should have a positive relationship with the people whom you ask.

** If you plan to apply to private schools that require your counselor to complete a “Secondary School Report” you MUST submit a Letter of Recommendation form  to your counselor 3-4 weeks before it is due. The information that you provide will aid your counselor in completing the “Student Evaluation” portion of the secondary school report along with a Letter of Recommendation if needed.


  • DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO REQUEST A LETTER OF RECOMMENDATIONGive your teachers and counselors at least 3-4 weeks to write it!
  • DO NOT BE AFRAID TO BRAG ABOUT YOURSELF. Provide your teacher or counselor with enough information about yourself so they can write a well-written and positive letter of recommendation for you. 


Teacher emails:

[last name]_[first name]

example: Mickey Mouse: [email protected]



Letter of Recommendation Requests
NOT needed for UC and CSU admission. Only private schools have this requirement (some are optional recommendations).
Please click on the Letter of Recommendation link based on your assigned counselor.
Ms. Wu
Mrs. Dacaret
Mrs. Yoo
Mrs. DelRio
Mr. Wang
Mrs. Schofield
Please see Mrs. Schofield to request your letter of recommendation.


The Common Application


Over 600 Member colleges through one convenient platform. Colleges that are public, private, large, small, secular, and religious.


Secondary School Report Required

A secondary school report is prepared by your counselor, and gives a profile of the school, the student body, etc. It includes a transcript, short answers in comparison to your peers and can include a letter of recommendation.



SENDedu is a free, secure electronic document transfer service for counselors, teachers, student references and other officials involved in the application completion process.



The FERPA waiver


The form offers the applicant the opportunity to waive the rights associated with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). By signing the FERPA waiver (or checking the box on an on-line form), the applicant surrenders the right to ever see the letter, whether the applicant is admitted or not. If you sign the FERPA waiver, the graduate program will understand that the person writing the letter of recommendation is being honest and candid in the letter, knowing that you will never see the letter. Therefore, letters of recommendation accompanied by a FERPA waiver signature carry greater validity in the eyes of graduate program selection committees.

How to Ask Teachers for College Recommendations

AHS School Profile