English » Alastair Aitken

Alastair Aitken

Born Tenom Malaysia

Bachelor of Arts Education w/ minor in English: Biola University

Masters of Science in Educational Leadership: California State University Fullerton

Office Hours: Tuesday - Thursday during Advisory

Extra Curricular Activities: Head Boys and Girls Volleyball Coach


I will be teaching mostly seniors this year again and will have one class of freshmen.  I am available in the evenings for students and families after my coaching responsibilities are done.  This can be accomplished via a Zoom meeting.  Please feel free to come and contact me through the Remind app (link on the left) or by email at [email protected].  


If you want to know more about me, you may read my bio here.  If you want a copy of the senior syllabus click here. If you want a copy of the freshmen syllabus click here.


The student calendar for the year is posted here.  If you have any other questions please contact me.



P.1 English 1/2 Intensive

P.2 English 1/2 Intensive

P.3 Conference

P.4 Senior World Lit 7/8

P.5 Senior World Lit 7/8

P.6 Senior World Lit 7/8


